Are You Wedding Planning From a Place of Stress?

I am going to be absolutely honest, to say, that I had a total different blog post planned for today.  However, I have been really sick this week.  I had to cancel all my regular appointment and just take a step back and take care of myself (AND not give the rest of the world this crap!)  So in this place of resting & healing, I wanted to encourage you in this busy season of wedding planning to remember to take care of yourself.  Here are a few things I am intentionally focusing on this week and I encourage you to do the same:

1.  Sleep

bride beauty-sleepIt stands to reason that the busier and more anxious you are, the less you sleep. This can be a real slippery slope for you, since sleep restores your body’s ability to cope with stress. While it’s true that you may require different amounts of sleep, studies show that 7 to 8 hours is ideal for most. It can be very beneficial to build sleep into your schedule. Sleep makes all of the difference both physically and mentally.

2.  Exercise

No one likes to be told to exercise, but you have no choice — it works. Even light exercise for 20 minutes a day increases your body’s endorphins. Endorphins actually help you to sleep at night, while making you more alert and able to concentrate during the day. Physical activity also greatly aids your body’s ability to fight illness. It’s a wonderful all-around stress buster. Check out my Pinterest Board to get some workout routines that are fun and easy to do on your own.

3.  Organize

wedding check list

Three little words that can restore order to your life: “To Do List”. Whether it comes naturally to you or not, making and organizing your tasks at hand can relieve tension. Once you’ve made your list, big and small, you can then prioritize. Even if your list is long, it is proven to lessen stress once it’s been created. As an added bonus, there’s nothing so satisfying as crossing things off when they are done!

I can’t help you with the first two stress busters, but I can help you by getting organized with your wedding planning so you can focus on the other two more easily and feel less stressed.  If you have any questions or just want to know where we can get start.  Give me a call @ 715-347-3566.

Contact information for Stevens Point Wedding Planner


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